When creating a question, simply select the "Ask Anonymously" option before sending. Your identity will not be disclosed to anyone.

You can ask all kinds of questions! We encourage open and respectful discussions about a wide range of topics. Remember to keep it respectful and appropriate.

To follow other users, simply click on their profile and select the "Follow" button. You will then see their questions and answers in your feed.

Yes, you can comment on any public post. Your input is valuable and can contribute to the ongoing discussion.

Yes, Mosaraha allows you to send questions to specific friends, a group of friends, or even random users. You have control over who receives your questions.

To like a post, simply click the "Like" button underneath the post. Your "like" will be visible to everyone and it's a great way to show your appreciation for a good question or answer.

That depends on your preference. You can choose to comment anonymously or with your name visible. It's all up to you.

Yes, Mosaraha is available in multiple languages, including English, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi, and Simplified Chinese. We aim to make the platform accessible to a wide audience.

There are many ways to get involved! You can actively ask and answer questions, follow other users, like and comment on posts, and invite your friends to join Mosaraha. Let's foster an environment of open and respectful dialogue together.

To get a Mosaraha link, open your profile in the app or website. Look for the menu or three dots, usually at the top, and choose "Copy link". Alternatively, open your profile in a web browser and copy the URL from the address bar to share for receiving Mosaraha messages.

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